Sunday, March 21, 2010

"I Want What is Mine"

My need to be righteous will cause me to focus on the faults of others instead of being aware of my own spiritual need.

My need to be self-sufficient will keep me from depending upon the Spirit and recognizing the need I have for others.

My need to be in control will keep me from surrendering to the Spirit's leading.

My need to be right will keep me from yielding to a better idea.

My concern for my "reputation" will keep me from being a servant.

The demands of my methods or style may keep me from being able to give.

My felt need to protect my time, talent, treasure, will keep me from self-denial and the spiritual power that can be found there.

My need to be served will keep me from finding the joy of service.

My striving for "success" will keep me from making others successful.

Where there has been disappointment and the feeling of failure, when we return to the Father, that pain is transformed into greater intimacy with Him. Our perspective on life and our role in it is liberated from the tyranny of "what is mine" so that we can embrace more of what is God's.

Dr. Geoff Gorush