Friday, February 12, 2010


We often have no idea what the "right" thing is. If we do know, we usually don't follow. The "right" thing sounds pretty ridiculous at times, and why wouldn't it? When it comes to various sins and temptations, we are told things like "flee", "pluck out your eye" and "do not let the sun go down on your anger."

If you stop listening to yourself and our culture for a moment, do any of these commands actually make sense? Isn't fleeing an admission of weakness? Ravi Zacharias told a story of a young man who threw his key out of a front-locked hotel room, to avoid the "temptations of the night." Why the extreme measure?

Why not?

I think we believe ourselves stronger than we are. To think of it, were we that strong... would we need a savior?

To need a savior admits weakness. It is transference of trust based on our inability. And yet, we don't listen to this savior. We play with fire and are surprised when we get burned. We blame our parents, schooling, friends, etc. for our failures - needing an explanation for our failures. Any explanation, apart from our sin, to calm our conscience and feed our pride.

Nonetheless... any solution, apart from the gospel's address of sin, will only strengthen the problem - our self, our sin. God is not just rational, He is (as Pastor Ed puts it) "super-rational." I know my inability; I know my sin; I know my limits and by God's grace, I will know His ways. There isn't always a logical explanation for obedience, but the God who assembled my eyes, nervous system and fingers is more than trustworthy to be obeyed.

The hard work of obedience cannot be predicated on self-reward. If it were, God would be means to an end. The hard work of obedience must first of all, be birthed from a full awareness of our weakness and God's transcendent power and holiness. Secondly, obedience must be a response of faith to God's mercy and grace. Obedience that is not convinced of complete forgiveness is unbelief.

Even when it sounds ridiculous and impractical, obedience is borne from a heart of love that is fully convinced that His ways are much, much higher than ours.

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